Molecular Precision Mental Health

Molecular Precision Mental Health

Prof. Dr. F. Markus Leweke, MD MA FRANZCP
Professor of Psychiatry and Chair in Youth Depression Studies | The University of Sydney
Professor and Work Group Leader | Central Institute of Mental Health | Heidelberg University

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Scientific interests

Trajectories for diagnosis and course of psychiatric disorders
The endocannabinoid system and the lipidome in psychiatric disorders
New psychopharmacological strategies for psychiatric disorders
Integrated and enhanced clinical models of care
Academic Education and Medical License
1984 to 1991
Study of Medicine, University of Cologne, Cologne (Germany) and
University of New South Wales, Sydney (Australia)
1987 to 1992
MD-student, Dept. of Neurophysiology (Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Uwe Heinemann), University of Cologne, Cologne (Germany)
Medical State Examination and License as Medical Doctor, Cologne (Germany)
Full License as Medical Doctor, Cologne (Germany)
2013 to 2016
Master program "Healthcare Business Management and Health Economics",
Fresenius University of Applied Sciences, Cologne (Germany)
Master of Arts in Healthcare Business Management and Health Economics
Limited Registration as Psychiatric Specialist, New South Wales (Australia)
Full Registration as Psychiatric Specialist, New South Wales (Australia)
Doctoral degree (Doctor medicinae|M.D.)
Doctor of Medicine, Medical Faculty, University of Cologne, Cologne (Germany)
"Effects of pentylenetrazole and baclofen in rat hippocampus in vitro."
Habilitation (Ph.D. equivalent)
Lecturer and venia legendi ("permission to lecture") in "Psychiatry and Psychotherapy"
Medical Faculty, University of Cologne, Cologne (Germany)
"Endogenous and exogenous cannabinoids in schizophrenia"
Scholarship from DAAD (German Academic Exchange Service) to study in Australia
Doctorate Award Epilepsy 1993 of the Society for Epilepsy-Research Bethel, Germany
Poster Price, 13th Biennial Winter Workshop on Schizophrenia Research, Davos, Switzerland
(Official meeting of the Schizophrenia International Research Society)
Price for Pharmacological Research of the DGPPN
(German Association for Psychiatry, Psychotherapy and Psychosomatics)
Board certificates and training authorizations
Specialist in Psychiatry (Medical Board Lower-Saxonia, Germany)
Specialty Psychotherapy (Medical Board North Rhine, Germany)
Specialist in Neurology (Medical Board North Rhine, Germany)
Specialist in Psychiatry and Psychotherapy (Medical Board North Rhine, Germany)
2009 to 2017
Full training authorisation for Psychiatry and Psychotherapy
(Medical Board North Baden, Germany)
Fellow of the Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Psychiatrists (FRANZCP), Australia
Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Psychiatrists (RANZCP)
Accredited Supervisor (Australia)
Professional activity
1991 to 1992
Resident, Institute of Neurophysiology, University of Cologne (Germany)
(Prof. Dr. Uwe Heinemann
1992 to 1993
Resident, Dept. of Neurology, Alfried-Krupp-Hospital, Essen (Germany)
(Directors: Prof. Dr. Johannes Noth
✝︎ and Prof. Dr. Peter Berlit)
Post doc, Institute of Neurophysiology, University of Cologne (Germany)
(Prof. Dr. Uwe Heinemann
1993 to 1996
Registrar in Psychiatry and Psychotherapy, Dept. of Clinical Psychiatry and Psychotherapy,
Medizinische Hochschule Hannover (Germany)
(Director: Prof. Dr. Dr. Hinderk M. Emrich
1996 to 1997
Registrar in Neurology, Dept. of Epileptology, University of Bonn (Germany)
(Director: Prof. Dr. Christian E. Elger, FRCP)
1997 to 1999
Senior Psychiatrist and Deputy Head, Dept of General Psychiatry – Addiction Medicine,
LVR-Kliniken Duesseldorf, Germany (Head: Dr. Wilhelm Burtscheidt
Dept. of Psychiatry and Psychotherapy, Heinrich-Heine-University Duesseldorf (Germany)
(Director: Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Gaebel)
Visiting Scientist at the Neurosciences Institute, San Diego, California (USA)
(Prof. Daniele Piomelli, PhD MD (h.c.))
1999 to 2008
Senior Psychiatrist and Lecturer, Dept. of Psychiatry and Psychotherapy,
University of Cologne, Cologne (Germany)
(Director: Prof. Dr. Joachim Klosterkötter),
Head Research Group Experimental and Clinical Neuropsychopharmacology
2008 to 2009
Deputy Director, ibid.
2009 to 2017
W3 Full Professor of Psychiatry and Psychotherapy, Deputy Chair,
Medical Faculty Mannheim, Ruprecht-Karls-University Heidelberg (Germany)

Associate Medical Director, Dept. of Psychiatry and Psychotherapy,
Central Institute of Mental Health, Mannheim (Germany)
(Director: Prof. Dr. A. Meyer-Lindenberg, MD MSci MBA),

Head Center of Excellence of Research in Psychiatry and Psychotherapy
Leader, Research Group 'Translational Research in Psychiatry' (TRiP)
since 2017
Professor and Leader, Research Group 'Translational Research in Psychiatry' (TRiP),
Central Institute of Mental Health, Mannheim, Medical Faculty Mannheim,
Ruprecht-Karls-University Heidelberg (Germany)
since 2017
Professor of Psychiatry and Chair in Youth Depression Studies,
Brain and Mind Centre, Central Clinical School, Faculty of Medicine and Health, The University of Sydney, Sydney (Australia)
since 2018
Consultant Psychiatrist, Royal Prince Alfred Hospital/CCMH,
Sydney Local Health District, NSW Health, Sydney (Australia)
since 2024
Co-Lead of the Molecular Precision Mental Health Project Node at the
Charles Perkins Centre (CPC), The University of Sydney
since 2023
Consultant Psychiatrist, neurocare clinics Australia, Sydney (Australia)
since 2009
Founder and Managing Director, curantis UG (ltd.), Bruehl (Germany)
since 2021
Founder and Medical Director, Endosane Pharmaceuticals GmbH, Berlin (Germany)
since 2021
Founder and Managing Director, UBsane Diagnostics UG, Bruehl (Germany)